“You’ve got to go to Mary for Rolfing. She is a master of the discipline and her technique is – honestly – sublimely soothing. Most importantly, the results are incredible. For me, she did what I thought to be impossible – she corrected my lifelong slouching posture. The work Mary did showed me to relax certain muscles instead of exerting myself to be upright. I do a bit of maintenance stretching on my own – nothing taxing – so now if I slouch, my body remembers to relax those muscles and I straighten up again. Truly amazing. Thank you, Mary!”
– Christian Dickson, Architect AIA

“Mary is a very intuitive bodyworker. I’ve had chronic left sided body tightness and restriction from years of bad posture and habits. With Mary’s support, I’m breaking through these restrictions. I feel more energetic at the end of the day because I’m not so tight. Mary listens to my requests and instantly integrates feedback into my bodywork session so I get exactly what my body needs.”
– Mary Badon, MD MBA, Pilates Instructor, Director of SOMA Movement Studio

“I contacted Mary when I was experiencing some tendinitis wrist pain that was really starting to impact my daily life. After just one session I began to feel relief from the strain I was putting on my wrist. She showed me techniques that I could practice on my own at home to continue my healing. I highly recommend Mary for all your bodywork needs.”
– Jennifer Bahadir, Photographer, Fine Artist, & Mom

“Thank you again for your amazing healing work. I have come a long way and am thankful to you.”
– L, Musician and instructor

“Thank you so much, Mary. I feel wonderful, like the Energizer Bunny. You gave me my energy back.”
– B, Physical Therapist

“I will definitely come to you again. We made huge shifts and changes as evidenced by how I feel.”
– E.L., Artist

“I’ve had neuropathy in my hands and feet for many years. After receiving massage and energy work from Mary, my hands and feet came alive again. Mary also taught me techniques I could use at home for my feet and other concerns I had. I would recommend Mary to anyone for any concern or just pure, relaxed enjoyment. One is in good hands with Mary.”
– Carol H.

“I had the privilege of receiving the ten series of Rolfing sessions with Mary Hoyer.  Her work is amazing.  She is gentle, kind, intuitive and is very passionate about her craft.  I have a severe injury with SI dysfunction, lower lumbar injury, pelvic obliquity.  She was able to not only listen to what I was saying but she heard me.  She could read my body and release or re-activate muscles that I would not be able to release on my own.  She was able to give me simple lessons on how to use gravity and how to allow my body to work as a whole – vs ‘just moving my arm or leg’.  She showed me postures for sitting, again by using gravity and leverage to take strain off of my body.  She provided visualization tools to help my body move more fluidly doing day to day things, like walking – imagine you have a tail, or wings, how would you have to move to carry your tail or use your wings (for example) – these tips helped me engage surrounding muscles to help the ones that are hurt. I highly recommend Mary and I look forward to working with her again when my body is healed, she helped me along my healing journey greatly.”
– Jill, RMA (Registered Medical Assistant)