Session & Payment Details

Sessions are typically 75 minutes and cost $140. I accept cash, check, Venmo (@Mary-Hoyer-1), and Paypal (MHoyer108). I cannot accept credit cards.

☺️ Preparing your check ahead of time or making electronic payment just before your session saves in-office time for therapeutic work. ☺️

My main skill sets are Rolfing, energy work (including SourcePoint therapy), and therapeutic massage. I intuitively blend these modalities to provide a customized session for each client. Further details about Rolfing and SourcePoint Therapy are given below.

Rolfing Structural Integration

Rolfing structural integration is a method of hands-on bodywork using intentional touch to reshape, realign, and balance the body. It addresses the entire body by manipulating its network of connective tissue. This tissue, the myofascia, gives the body its form. Over time, gravity, injuries, and day-to-day use can cause patterns of tension and strain. Undesirable patterns can lead to discomfort and pain that range from annoying to disabling. These patterns are released through Rolfing techniques and by specific movements to integrate the changes into the tissues and the nervous system.

The Ten Series: The signature of Rolfing

Ten sessions, (ideally) spaced 1-2 weeks apart, systematically overhaul the entire body. Each session addresses a different area and function of the body. Each session prepares the body for the next session and builds upon the progress gained from the previous session. In this way, decades-old compensation patterns can be released, as the body naturally returns to greater ease and order.

Can I get less than 10 sessions?

If you have a chronic condition, three or more sessions are preferable so the patterns and compensations can be adequately addressed. Ten sessions allows a much more cohesive change in the entire structure.

That being said, I encourage everyone who’s interested to try a single session. I do not require anyone to commit to multiple sessions up front. I think it’s important for clients to assess the experience and the results, and then decide whether to continue the process.

Energy Work

This gentle modality can be done as a stand-alone session or in combination with Rolfing to enhance the effects of soft-tissue therapy. When the energy body is balanced and vitalized, the body, mind, nervous system, emotions, mood, and the “whole person” can experience benefits.   

There are many modalities and varieties of energy work, also called energy balancing or energy healing. Some well-known examples are acupunture, Reiki, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping. My professional training is in a modality called SourcePoint Therapy (more info here), which is similar to Reiki but unique in its methods and applications.

Some of these techniques can be easily learned by the client. If a client wishes to learn, I am happy to teach! Once learned, the techniques can be used any time and place. This empowers clients to take charge of their self care and further enhance their outcomes.

Please contact Mary for a free phone consultation to discuss your unique situation. Call (860) 834-2500 for more information.